Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Effective Leadership Learning Organization

Question: Discuss about theEffective Leadershipfor Learning Organization. Answer: Discussion of the Qualities of an Effective Leader in a Learning Organization Learning organization provides the employee with knowledge which is exactly tuned up with the organizations goal to get the employee skilled perfectly which will further result in the expansion of economic growth for the respective company. In the learning organization, leaders are absolutely committed on prioritizing the importance of learning in terms of procuring substantial growth from company economic activity (Christensen, Mackey Whetten, 2014). Leaders have a soul responsibility in making labors aware the need for learning in the learning organization. The first question arises, why to learn and motive behind learning; the second question arises how to learn and what to learn; the third question demands to capture the desired opportunity. A leader in order to impart education at the workplace needs to have the formal qualification (Daft, 2014). The leaders must analyze the potential of influencing another employee. Leaders have the important role in identifying issues and carr y out in a right way. Providing motivation to the employees is important as to increase the performance and the effectiveness of the organization on a large scale, moreover, the rewarding programs and incentives boost the efforts of the employees. Analysis of the Leadership Strategies which Ensures Positive Results Leadership strategies are the strategies which a leader uses to accomplish the organizational needs as per specified. Leadership strategies can be conceptualizing with many other aspects of the organizational domain, which can be political, organizational, etc. Some of the leadership strategies which help in bringing positive outcomes for the firm are as follows: Transformational leadership strategies are those which occurs when an organization goes through several transitional phases, for example, if a company expands to the global market, or simultaneously changing owner. The leader needs to set a belief in the customer and embrace it at the right way. Autocratic leadership emphasizes that the authority will be absolute in one hand, and they hardly come to know about what strategy they should acquire at any given circumstances. Employees have no participation in leader's decision and have to have work done on the given timeline (Day, 2014). Transactional leadership strategy links directly the work performance and the wages set upon that. If someone has done more than expected, then he would definitely be rewarded for the work done with exceptions. Those who cannot perform well have their consequences may be in terms of the wage cut. Participative leadership strategy is something that best suited for employees (Dinh, et al. 2014). This is more kind of political leadership, where everyone feels to have importance. Leaders allow an employee to participate in decision making so it is very popular. Explanation of the Qualities a Leader Hindering the Learning Process Learning process in an organization is a skill full act but under the right guidance. In different firms, it has been seen that the confidence in the leaders helps in increasing the effectiveness of their decision-making processes. Moreover, the confidence is supposed to be good for the leaders but the over-confidence affects the growth of the firm negatively and therefore it becomes very crucial for them to identify the factors affecting their leadership qualities. Moreover, the leader needs to think for the employees along with the firm as it helps in improving the overall performances of the firm. There are some leaders who merely think of the firm irrespective of the employees which affects the significant growth of the organization on a large scale (Holt Marques, 2012). The Autocratic leaders need to understand the needs of the employees and they should take decisions as per considering the factors affecting the business process of the organization. Role of Ethics in the Decision-Making Process The role of ethics in decision making is very important because it clearly states to avoid any misconduct that can lodge negative social impact. It can also be called moral philosophy which interprets itself in fundamental values. There is been many discussion going on about the incorporation of ethics into the workplace, consumer interest, social beliefs. This philosophy acts as a constraint between the company and people of the firm. This ethic would enhance the companys valuation in every aspect, which will be a beneficial point in attracting new stakeholders and in making relations with new entities. Whenever a question arises in the board meeting about which is right and wrong, ethic will absolutely help in identifying the true knowledge (House, 2013). Ethics will improve equal rights and put out inequalities aside. The ethic philosophy is very much helpful in answering intuitive judgments and descriptive questions. By the personal virtue of ethics, it is very much obvious that why some managers are very effective in execution of work or while making decision on descriptive questions Identification the ways in which Organization gets Affected by Unsystematic Decisions of the Leader A leader can be very busy considering every work to be as important as others, but a self-confidence and a slight lack of knowledge could get everything hampers and unworthy in terms of any aspect (Liden, 2014). It has also been seen with the leader with past experiences tends to believe that the current problem can be solved by seeking past experiences, that actually can ruin the moral of a leader. Politics into the workplace can almost exhaust any leader and make him feel less important. Many times opportunities come to inexperienced hands so the purpose lacks clarity which turns into inefficiency in the leaders behalf. There are many world leaders who have done wrong deeds just to boost their ego, and as a result, the distraction led the people to lead an undignified life (Renko, 2015). Many scams which eventually caused the company to shut down its work and many employees got fired. These unsystematic decisions have sought special attention to resolve whether is gover n by the government body or by financial institutions which can recover the loss afterward. References Christensen, L. J., Mackey, A., Whetten, D. (2014). Taking responsibility for corporate social responsibility: The role of leaders in creating, implementing, sustaining, or avoiding socially responsible firm behaviors.The Academy of Management Perspectives,28(2), 164-178. Daft, R. L. (2014).The leadership experience. Cengage Learning. Day, D. V., Fleenor, J. W., Atwater, L. E., Sturm, R. E., McKee, R. A. (2014). Advances in leader and leadership development: A review of 25years of research and theory.The Leadership Quarterly,25(1), 63-82. Dinh, J. E., Lord, R. G., Gardner, W. L., Meuser, J. D., Liden, R. C., Hu, J. (2014). Leadership theory and research in the new millennium: Current theoretical trends and changing perspectives.The Leadership Quarterly,25(1), 36-62. Holt, S., Marques, J. (2012). Empathy in leadership: Appropriate or misplaced? An empirical study on a topic that is asking for attention.Journal of business ethics,105(1), 95-105. House, R. J., Dorfman, P. W., Javidan, M., Hanges, P. J., de Luque, M. F. S. (2013).Strategic leadership across cultures: GLOBE study of CEO leadership behavior and effectiveness in 24 countries. Sage Publications. Liden, R. C., Wayne, S. J., Liao, C., Meuser, J. D. (2014). Servant leadership and serving culture: Influence on individual and unit performance.Academy of Management Journal,57(5), 1434-1452. Renko, M., El Tarabishy, A., Carsrud, A. 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